This photography photoshoot was with Crystal at the new National Harbor in Maryland and near Washington DC. Crystal is a lovely mix of native american/german/scottish. An entertainment journalist she recently interviewed for host of E News in Los Angeles. Most of this photoshoot was done at the ultra chic lounge Pose in the grand Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center. It was pretty funny that the lounge was called Pose because that was what Crystal was doing most of the time and as you can see she was really good at it :) We then did some street shooting and stumbled upon this Asian restaurant called Grace's Mandarin with a huge Buddhist statue sitting inside. And I got a photo of Crystal making cute buddhist finger gesture with the statue. I presume it means some kind of good luck which is great start of the new year :)More photos of Crystal can be seen in the Glamour gallery.

Portraits Family Glamour
Beautiful Start of New Year at the new National Harbor with Crystal
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